The five current members of the Andreas Parish Commissioners have been elected by the people of the Parish to administer a range of local government functions and, whenever possible, to act as the voice of the Parish by bringing local issues and views to the attention of central government and other outside parties.
The Commissioners make themselves readily available to all residents and ratepayers of the Parish to answer any queries or to take up any local government related problems that arise.
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month in the Meeting Room at Andreas Parish Hall.
Chair: Jackie Faragher
Representative for Northern Local Authorities Swim Pool Board
Vice-Chair: Susan Craine
Representative for Northern Parishes Refuse Collection Board
Jimmy Allison
Representative for Northern Civic Amenity Site
Vicky Hind
Representative for Ramsey & Northern Districts Elderly Persons Housing Committee
Adam Silverston
Representative for Northern Neighbours Police Team
Clerk to Commissioners & Responsible Finance Officer
Maureen Callow
Telephone: 07624 306103
The rate for Andreas Parish for 2024/25 has now been set at 142p in the £1 with effect from 1st April 2024.