
Andreas Parish Village Hall

Andreas Parish Village Hall is available for hire through the Local Authority.

There are good kitchen and toilet facilities and the hall is a popular venue for parties, wedding receptions and sports activities. The main hall has a fire certificate for 220 persons.

To hire Andreas Parish Hall contact Maggie Dalziel on 324110.

Andreas Parish Hall and the surrounding areas are owned by the Local Authority. A memorial dedicated to all units and personnel based at Andreas Airfield was placed in front of the parish hall by the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust in 2015.

The Commissioners meet in the Commissioners’ Room of the building and the main part of the hall is used for public meetings and parish events such as the Annual Produce Show and Indoor Bowling.

Useful contacts

Public Sector Sheltered Housing:
Contact: The Clerk, Ramsey and Northern Districts Housing Committee at Ramsey Town Hall. Email: Tel: 01624 810100

Andreas Benevolent Society:
Contact: John Strickett email:

Kirk Andreas Church:
Contact: Rev Iaen Skidmore, Rector
Tel. 01624 897873
Kirk Andreas – A Church Near You

Andreas Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs T Dudley

Ayre Play Group:
Further details from Judith Hunt on 200612
Situated at the clubhouse for Ayr United Football Club

Ayre United Football Club:
Contact: Lee Brown – secretary email:
Ayre United Football Club Isle of Man

Ayre Clay Target Club: