Over the past 18 months Andreas Parish Commissioners have been undertaking preliminary work to prepare for a new Play Park for Andreas village. The current Play Park was developed in the late 1980’s and has served the village very well.

However, there are issues with this park caused by the large overhanging trees constantly leaving debris and bird droppings on the play equipment. Requests had been made to remove the trees from the area but this was mainly refused by DEFA (only 3 of the smaller trees were marked for removal) and as much of the equipment now struggles to meet the inspection criteria and in reality is at the end of its shelf life, the Commissioners felt that new equipment and a new site is the way forward.

Planning permission has now been approved for the new play park to be sited in the area currently known as the Millennium Garden and this will involve clearing the bushes within the area and making the space much more attractive for children to play. Safety standard fencing and self-closing gates will encompass the Play Park making it visible from all sides and accessible for all. Some of the equipment will be all-inclusive and it will cater from 1-year olds upwards, with the recommended  industry standard surfaces in place.

The Commissioners are not intending for this project to be funded by rates from the Parish, (although the ongoing maintenance will be), but are hopeful that local businesses will support this and parishioners will organise fund raising events. This has in fact already started with events taking place over the Christmas (2023) period.

The current quote for this exercise (including installation and final inspection) is approx. £100,000 and the Commissioners would be extremely grateful of any contribution you feel able to make.

If anyone has any ideas for fund- raising please contact the Commissioners or the Clerk – Tel. 306103

Proposed new Play Park:

Donations towards the new Play Park have already been received from The Elizabeth Clucas Charitable Trust and the Commissioners have agreed that following this very generous donation the new park will be named the “Elizabeth Clucas Memorial Play Park.”

Manx Lottery Trust have also donated very generously to this cause allowing the Commissioners to purchase the equipment which was delivered on 30th April 2024.

Further donations have been received in memory of Mr Trevor Hemmings of Ballaseyr Stud; Ayre Utd FC (mhelliah 2023); the Andreas Community Christmas Fair (2023); The Grosvenor Pub from (Bobby Teare) darts match; and also from the Grosvenor Pub following their quiz night (May2023) and the winnings from a lottery draw in memory of Mr Bob Clague (Andreas Commissioners).

Monday 21st May 2024 was another exciting day for Andreas Parish Commissioners as we took delivery of the new fencing for the Play Park. Now we have all the kit just need more fund raising to pay for the ground works and installation. If you can help or wish to donate contact your Commissioners (full details for these on both village notice boards) or the Clerk – or phone 306103.

Play Park update – November 2024.

Further donations have been received over recent months from organisers of the Village Barn dance held on 4th July, Mr & Mrs W E Teare, Andreas Youth Workers, Andreas Produce Show Committee and Mr & Mrs C Kelly.

Work started to clear the site early September by Paul Carey Services, and the equipment was moved onto site in the middle of October.

The work is continuing with plans to open the Park early next year